Introduction to the Munchkin cat – what is a Munchkin?



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**** site updated January 28 2025 ****

Welcome to my personal WordPress blog !

This is actually a blog post used to inform people about Munchkin cats

I love my naturally short-legged cats, which are called Munchkins (the name was taken from the Wizard of Oz)

Munchkin cats have a natural “dwarfism” – a gene which produces much shorter legs

(more noticeable in the front legs) and gives the cat an appearance similar to a ferret.

Just like with humans, there are many different kinds of dwarfism.

The type that these Munchkin cats have does not have health problems.

(keep in mind, that no cats are 100% perfect, just like people)

There is much false information on the internet because people don’t understand this.

There were two particularly famous internet cats, who had a different

type of dwarfism gene, which came with health problems -

those two cats were GRUMPY CAT and LIL BUB

Some Munchkins have shorter legs than others, but they are all notably shorter than regular cats.

They come in long and short hair and all colors!

If a Munchkin has at least 50% Persian/Himalayan/Exotic Shorthair in their breeding, they are also called a “Napoleon” or “Minuet.”


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Munchkins have muscular back legs and frequently use them to jump, or sit up and look around.

I’ve had Munchkins of my own for over 25 years now and have not encountered any joint or back problems

(as in certain dog breeds).

Munchkins do have the ability to jump.  People ask me this all the time.

Their hind legs are muscular compared to other breeds of cats.


When you breed for Munchkins, some of the offspring  might NOT inherit the Munchkin gene.

Some people call those “non-standard” Munchkins.

My cats are sold as pets only – not for breeding.

And please do NOT declaw your cat.

It can lead to all sorts of problems, including biting and

not using the litter box.

Sometimes tiny pieces of claw cells and begin to grow

INSIDE THE PAW  -  This causes great pain!

( please read my page dedicated to the cons of declawing)


NOTE:  We only keep 5 or fewer females for breeding at any given time.


If you are interested in adopting an adult cat, please email me!

I have spayed females available at times.

(long and short legs)

Homes must be approved first.  A home visit is a must.

(So you need to be within an hour of Austin, TX)

Rehoming adult cats does not always work out.

Sometimes I have to take them back.

Thank you!

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